

It’s the new year, and many people are hopeful and optimistic. The year 2020 was challenging, with many unexpected things happening around the world. Hopefully, this year will be marked by successful innovation and solutions. Since the pandemic is still around, it’s important to keep safe and to refrain from going out unless if it’s for important errands. I have found that it’s a good time to brush up on my reading. I’m currently reading “The Book of Tokyo: A City in Short Fiction,” an anthology of short stories from different writers about the strange and beautiful faces of Japan’s capital city. I think that this year, we’ll see more people starting new hobbies and developing new skills. I’m also excited to start the online classes this month! When there are things we can’t control, it’s helpful to focus on the things that we can. And every day is the perfect day for learning something new!


冬休み (キャロル先生)


During winter vacation, I stayed in and made sure to speak with friends and family back home. The time difference makes it difficult sometimes, as there is a nine-hour time difference between Japan and Ireland. This can be tricky and usually means I can only speak with them during the night-time. My family sent me a box called the ‘Paddy Box’ full of Irish snacks and goodies for Christmas, which I have been nibbling on throughout the winter break. It’s full of all types of chocolates and crisps I have been missing and helped me to feel a little bit Christmassy this year. Winter break was also a good time for me to catch up on sleep and get cozy with an interesting book. I usually read thrillers or true crime books but I’m a pretty slow reader. This means I have a stack of books sitting in the corner of my room, waiting for me to read them. As long as the weather stays cold, I know I’ll slowly get through them. They’ll keep me company during the long winter days. What book are you reading to get you through the winter?