
沖縄旅行 (キャロル先生)



Last Sunday I went to Okinawa with my friend Yoko San. We rented a car and drove from the south up to the north, staying in the south for a night, the middle for a night and the north for a night. In Naha, we met some friends of Yoko San for dinner and I tried some mimiga which are sliced pig’s ears and umi budo which are sea grapes along with some taco rice. It was all so delicious. We were also lucky enough to see a Dragon Boat Race festival, which happened to be on for a few days while we were there. Afterwards we went to see some traditional Okinawan musicians sing some old folk songs. The singer has been singing in Naha for over thirty years and is very popular amongst the locals.

In the north, we visited many beaches where the water was green and the sand was white, it looked like paradise. We visited Heart Rock, which is a rock in the sea that vaguely resembles the shape of a heart. The rock is a popular photo spot for couples looking to take a romantic photo together. The weather was hot but cloudy which was really nice as I find it difficult to walk around when the temperature is too hot. I was so sad to leave, saying goodbye to the beaches was particularly hard as I always feel at home when I’m beside the sea. As Ireland is an island, I was never too far from the sea growing up.